Gate 1— Theme - Purpose/Mission
Gate 1 - Pre reflection -
If you are a sacral being- Do you feel connected to your purpose or mission?
If you are a non-sacral being - I am wondering about your connection to your purpose/mission here on earth?
Free write or contemplate your response. Also use the sub scale below to subjectively rate how the disconnection to your mission or purpose. 10 being the most amount of disconnection. 0 would be ease and comfort knowing why you are here and your connection throughout the day.
Unbalanced expressions tapping set ups
Before you proceed from the unbalanced expressions of a gate, use the SUD scale rating to assess the discomfort in your body. If it is still over a 5 and/or super uncomfortable, drink some water and continue to tap on the basic recipe using your own words, until you feel a shift…. Your body will guide you. Trust this knowing. If something specific arises on the general theme, tap on this prior to proceeding onto the affirmations or reframe!!!
Print out the document below and customize it. Take your favorite affirmation from this gate/gene key and write it on the rainbow or just use the affirmation written below. Then post it in your home. It will serve as a reminder to tap when you look at the rainbow.
Sense in your body as you read the affirmation. Do you sense any resistance?
- If yes, you sense any resistance, rate the resistance and then tap on this resistance. (example: Even though, I sense resistance at saying this affirmation, I deeply and completely love and accept myself)
- If no, tap in the affirmation, to embody it at a deeper level.
Pineal Gland/Dream seed Tapping Questions
Select one of the questions below that speaks to you most. Tap this question into your pineal gland before sleep or mediation and pay attention to what shows up. Allow the answers to find you in perfect timing. Feel free to print out the document and put it on your mirror or next to your bed. You can journal or auto-write in response to the question. There is no wrong way, only a choice and invitation to play and discover what feels correct for you! (I am 100% a line three and its okay if it feels "wrong" - my wrongs have been my greatest teachers!)
Also, another tool by the Potion Lady to support you on your journey. This supports the opening of the pineal gland. Again, honor your inner guidance, your strategy and authority to see if this is the right thing for you!!